Brilliant, clear with silver highlights. The bouquet is delicate and fragrant with fresh cream, sweet white chocolate, thick caramel and almonds. A continuation of the bouquet, but with more intensity – the cream and white chocolate mix is sweeter, but also with more depth. The almond note becomes richer, almost marzipan-like, and there is some almond skin bitterness and gentle woody spice. Balanced and elegant on the finish with the sweetness and bitterness fading to a spicy and fruity end.
Barsol Mosto Verde Quebranta Pisco
Grower: Bodega San Isidro
Style: Floral and Fruity
Country: Peru
Appellation: Ica Valley
Spirit Type: Pisco
Alcohol: 41.8% ABV
Closure: CORK
Bottle Size: 70cl
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